NaNoWriMo Day 2

Writing Streak: 2 Days. Woot! 100% so far.
I’m up to 7,635 words so far and well ahead in progress. If I can keep this up, I’ll have some great progress in place before the end of my vacation. I was off on Thursday and Friday so I had prep time and a whole day for the first of the month. I also gave myself the first week of November off from work. It’s strategic every year and this year, I’m making good use of the time off.

If I could manage this kind of word count every day, I’d be done super early. I know there are days where few words will be added so this time off is really important.

What’s the story you want to know? Ah! That is the question of the day. It’s a fantasy story and it’s based on a very old D&D campaign. By old, I mean I ran it back in like 2005 for my friends. So yeah, that old. But I have lots of notes and I’m not really following the events of the campaign super closely anyway. If you play Dungeons & Dragons, you know very well that some of the stuff that happens would make no sense to anyone outside of the game itself. So, it’s based on that campaign and will still have the feel and the spirit of it. The characters have lived on in me for this long and they’re still yelling at me to let them out and share them with the world. And who am I to say no?

I’m finally in a place where I feel I can faithfully recreate the spirit of these amazing characters. I hope everyone else will agree.

As a side note, my published book, Oriana, was also a NaNoWriMo project. It took me a long time to polish and publish it but I learned a lot from that experience. I don’t expect this one to take nearly that long. Wish me luck!